Bastard Husband: A Love Story is a humorous account of my first year alone in Las Vegas after a midlife divorce from someone who was the perfect soulmate--until that one drink too many. The book is threaded with reflections of the relationship and shows how I transitioned from anger and sadness to doing stand-up comedy for the first time at age 46. Funny and sad, demented and poignant... all at the same time.


P.S. I suggest you read some excerpts or my Vegas Linda Lou blog before you buy--my style and sense of humor are definitely not for everybody!


D Words: Dating, Divorce and Other Delights

I did two preview performances last week, and they went very well! (Personally, I feel I did better the first night.) I had a great turnout, I was able to keep my nerves under control and not projectile vomit on anyone, and everyone really seemed to like it. Of course, I'm just out of the gate, and I already know some changes I'm going to make before the show begins its regular run on February 17, but yeah... it was a fantastic experience.

Thank you to all who came out last night and to all of you who sent your best wishes here in blog comments, by email, or by sending positive psychic energy. You mean so much to me.

You know, four months ago, my book was still sitting in my laptop and now it's for sale at my own Las Vegas show. If I can do it, so can you. I'm 52 years old; it's never too late. (Okay, at this age, I'll never be a ballerina, but you get the picture.)

Things don't get done by themselves; you HAVE to take the steps to make it happen.

You can do it. I know you can.


Tana said...

Great pep talk and I'm so happy things are moving so quickly for you! You're so right, things don't happen by themselves. We need to actually work for our glory. I love the quote (by I don't know who), "Sometimes God will move the mountain, and sometimes he hands you a shovel."

I'm prepared to dig.

Happy Valentines!